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Providing Quality and Integrity in tailored hospitality advice and solutions.

Welcome to Real Consulting. Our primary goal in all business decisions and interactions is to achieve a high level of customer satisfaction. This simple yet effective approach has fueled our growth since launch in 2020, we strive to build personal relationships that develop long lasting partnerships rather one one-time consultancy.
Click on the below links to find out more about us and what we offer.



R.E.A.L. Consulting was established through a deep rooted passion for hospitality and international experiences and relationships.

The company's mission is to find cutting-edge solutions and providing great services to various hospitality businesses.

We are





Our services are designed to satisfy a range of our customer's needs. We are committed to tailored solutions in English, German, Spanish and Czech. with pro-active engagemet as our top priority. If you want to learn more about how we assist businesses, give us a call today.

Espacio de trabajo


Everything You Need - The Way You Need It

R.E.A.L. Consulting is committed to providing creative and scalable solutions for every customer. Learn more about what we offer below and give us a call if you have any questions, or if you’d like to be contacted by one of our team members simply submit our contact form.

Image by Fernando Álvarez Rodríguez


Frequently utilized by most of our customers, this service has been essential to success on many occasions. When it comes to operational needs of a hotel establishment each area of operation is assessed and evaluated. We can provide input on e.g. cost management, KPI improvement as well as value adding technology implementation.

Let us know how we can assist you.

Image by Jason Leung


Providing an analysis of restaurant operation and financial aspects, for exsisting food & beverage outlets that want to upgrade facilities and service offerings as well as opening a restaurant from scratch. We offer menu design, kitchen training as well as tailor made action plans to drive more revenue per guest check. 

Get in touch to learn more.

Image by Patrick Tomasso


This is one of our most popular services available. It’s made a big difference for many of our customers, and is provided with the highest level of excellence. With this service, we ensure all details are simple, seamless and handled in a timely manner. We want to implement the best level of service and therefore focus on guest egagement through emotional intelligence trainings as part of every standard provided. Please get in touch to discuss your training needs. 

Business Plan


Essentials to successful business models are: 

Customer Persona and Realtionships, Value Proposition, Market Feasability, Scalability and Costs.

Whether you like to extend your B2B, B2C or On-Demand, we will be delighted to discuss your needs and roadmap ahead. Let us know what business ideas we can support.


"R.E.A.L. Consulting nám bylo velkým přínosem při stanování cílů budoucího vývoje našich produktů. Mezinárodní zkušenosti konzultantů přinesly mnoho pohledů na problémy, příprava plánů nové prodejny a kavárny by byla velmi obtížná bez jejich pomoci. Oceňujeme zejména individuální přístup a rychlost přípravy řešení všech smluvených projektů.”
REAL Consulting was of great benefit to us in setting goals for the future development of our products. The international experience of the consultants brought many perspectives to the problems, the preparation of the plans for the new store and cafe would have been very difficult without their help. We particularly appreciate the individual approach and speed of preparation of solutions for all contracted projects.

Clean Label LLC operates within F&B retail and e-commerce, alongside it also offers catering for weddings, events, and private functions. Thanks to our collaboration with REAL Consulting we can offer even more products to our clientele for their events from different regions in Spain. Their previous experience with café and restaurant ownerships and consulting give us the possibility to organize and fulfill any wishes and dreams of every client of ours in a more extensive variety with paying more attention to detail.

Image by Nur Athirah Hamzah


Real Consult is committed to exceeding your needs. Questions, comments or special requests? We’d love to hear from you, so don’t hesitate in reaching out today.

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